10 Ways

Friday, April 11, 2008

There are many different ways to look at art, both literally, and figuratively speaking. Our first site today is from Getty Images, one of the best known image banks in the world.

This is a simply awe-inspiring website, filled to the brim with stunning images and ways to explore them through 10 separate, uniquely structured virtual paths. It's a site you will get lost in as you wander through the immense collection - and don't let the opening graphics fool you, this is one highly sophisticated piece of web design.

Click the opening image to enter the sub menus, split into categories such as Light, Information, Memory, Space, Time and Emotion. Clicking a sub menu takes you to a page displaying the two exhibits in that section. Each exhibit can be launched in a new window, and then you are free to interact with the contents and discover what is inside.

I can't tell you which exhibit to visit first as they are all amazing. From the never ending journey of images in Information, to the engrossing interactions that allow you to measure your emotions pictorially in Emotion.

All brilliantly presented and beautifully created. Well done Getty, a real winner.